Science Blog

Campaign Snapshot

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is reinventing the visitor experience.

Learn more about how we are pioneering a new model for natural history museums through an expansion, a complete reimagining of our campus and all our exhibits, and the addition of new public spaces. Explore our new strategic plan, which is guiding our efforts as we build the Museum of the future.

Our transformation will change the way visitors engage with science and the natural world. Through this project, we are elevating the Museum’s place in our community—sharing knowledge, inspiring lifelong learning, and bringing a world-class institution to Cleveland. We invite you to contribute to the success of our transformation.

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Our Mission

To inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health, and leadership to a sustainable future.

Our Vision

To explore, engage, and empower for a better tomorrow.
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