School Programs

Discovery starts here.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History invites educators and students to explore science, nature, and human health up close and in person. Our engaging, hands-on STEM programs serve students of all grade levels and abilities. All programs incorporate English language arts (ELA) and math concepts. Many also include social and emotional learning (SEL) components to provide students with a well-rounded experience.

Ready to connect your classroom with the natural sciences? Our school programs deliver dynamic, curriculum-based science education in three ways: at the Museum, at your school, and via virtual programming.

Find a Program

Find a Program

Browse our selection of school programs for your students.

At the Museum

Bring your students to the Museum to explore the natural sciences.

In the Classroom

Bring one of our science-education outreach programs right to your classroom!

Virtual Field Trips & Learning Experiences

Connect your students to the Museum from home or school with the Museum’s award-winning virtual programming.

Other Ways to Learn at the Museum

Discover our summer camps, the perfect place for your child to discover something new or continue exploring their passion for science and nature.

Explore early-childhood learning in the Smead Discovery Center—Presented by PNC. This hands-on learning center is full of activities for young children.

Check out our events calendar for programs and field trips that offer scientific adventures for learners of all ages, both at the Museum and off the beaten path.

Learn about SLAM Dunk—our program that connects all East Cleveland City Schools kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders with science, literacy, and math through Museum collections.

Do you have a student in second grade? Inspire is a partnership between the Museum and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District that brings every second-grade student to the Museum for a full day of science education.