
February 2025
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Mentor Marsh: Second Saturday Science

Mentor Marsh, Utility Pipeline Access Road at Woodridge and Forest

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Explore the wild western end of Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve as a Museum naturalist answers questions and helps spot wildlife, including wintering birds.

We’ll enjoy wide-open views of the marsh.


Enter the area via the utility access road gate at the end of Woodridge Lane and Forest Road in Mentor Headlands.

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Free; no registration required

What to Bring

Bring binoculars, a hand lens, a camera, or any other tools for exploring. Dress for the weather and wear winter footwear.

Field Trip Intensity

Easy; family-friendly

About Second Saturday Science

This program is open-house style with no reservations needed. For questions, please call the Nature Center at 440.257.0777, email, or message the Mentor Marsh Facebook page.

Our programs are a go in all but severe weather, so please come prepared for the weather conditions. We recommend long pants and sturdy shoes, as the trail may be muddy.